Friday, November 16, 2012

In Her Dreams, It's Always Raining

I love adding symbolism into my piece so much.

This one's about a nine tailed fox, who's known be a rain spirit.  Rain makes things grow, like trees.  Trees also symbolize growth.  And I just wanted her hair to react to the rain as well so it's turning  rainbow.

Ive been wanting to try cut paper for the LONGEST time and this is one step towards it.  I still want to try doing some detailed cut paper pieces... but for this project I wanted it to be more illustration heavy and just hints of cut paper.  The clouds are bleeding onto the borders to make it pop out more.

I think next time I want to try layering even more to make whatever in the foreground pop up (literally).

I'm so excited for thanksgiving break.  I have way too many project ideas!


  1. Those CLOUDSSSSss - it's neat how your style translates with the cut paper! All I can say is I can't wait for more! \˘u˘/

  2. Haruka, this is awesome! You definitely need to do more like this!
