Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Corgi box!

      I really enjoy the idea of handmade gifts.  I love getting them and I definitely enjoy making them!

      My friend told me about a site called spoonflower that prints fabrics, stickers, giftwrap, etc with your designs so I had this idea to print a fabric and make a box out of it. (I originally wanted to make a bag but plans fell through and it became a box instead haha)

     My friend reaaaaally likes Welsh Corgis so I made a pattern based on corgis:

After I received the fabric I made this!

It printed very accurately! I was so happy with it.  :) (also quite proud of my level up on my craftsmanship!)


  1. Hi! Do you mind if I use that design you made for a sweater? I really like it =)

    1. Hi Daisy!
      If you mean you're going to get the design off of spoonflower to make the sweater, then sure! I'd love to see it when you're done!
